
4th CRPPR Smartrural Workshop

ОБУКА- SMART RURAL ENTREPRENSHIP MODEL   Дневен ред Модул 2: Користење на SMARTRURAL Бизнис модел за зголемување н конкурентноста на малите и средните претпријатија Работилница бр. 4: SMARTRURAL Бизнис модел и неговите алатки 26 Мај 2021 (среда) / 10:30-13:00 / Предавачи: д-р Ристо Иванов и д-р Марина Филипоска Работилницата се организира онлајн преку ЗООМ Платформата     Време Тема   10:30 -10:45 Поврзување со платформата и добредојде 10:45 – 11:15 Сесија 1. Водич за развој… Read More »4th CRPPR Smartrural Workshop

3nd CRPPR Smartrural Workshop

ОБУКА- SMART RURAL ENTREPRENSHIP MODEL   Дневен ред Модул 1: Бизнис активности во руралните средини Работилница бр. 3: Паметно рурално претприемништво за паметен рурален развој 18 Мај 2021 (вторник) / 10:30-13:00 / Предавачи: д-р Ристо Иванов и д-р Марина Филипоска Работилницата се организира онлајн преку ZOOM Платформата     Време Тема 10:30 -10:45 Поврзување со платформата и добредојде 10:45 – 11:15 Сесија 1. Нови бизнис перспективи за руралните средини (иновации, енергетска ефикасност и дигитализација, зелена… Read More »3nd CRPPR Smartrural Workshop

2nd CRPPR Smartrural Workshop

 ОБУКА – SMART RURAL ENTREPRENSHIP MODEL   Дневен ред Модул 1: Бизнис активности во руралните средини Работилница бр.2: Трендови и нови рурални бизнис можности 12 Мај 2021 / 10:30-13:00 / Предавачи: д-р Ристо Иванов и д-р Марина Филипоска Работилницата се организира онлајн преку ZOOM Платформата   Време Тема 10:30 -10:45 Поврзување на ZOOM платформата и добредојде 10:45 – 11:15 Сесија 1. Постоечки бизниси и нови бизнис можности во Пелагонискиот регион 11:15-11:30 15 минути пауза 11:30-12:10… Read More »2nd CRPPR Smartrural Workshop

1st CRPPR Smartrural Workshop

 ОБУКА – SMART RURAL ENTREPRENSHIP MODEL Дневен ред Модул 1: Бизнис активности во руралните средини Работилница бр.1: Вовед во политиките на паметно рурално претприемништво 6 Мај 2021 / 10:30-13:00 / Предавачи: д-р Ристо Иванов и д-р Марина Филипоска Работилницата се организира онлајн преку ZOOM Платформата Време Тема 10:30 -10:45 Поврзување на ZOOM платформата и добредојде 10:45 – 11:15 Сесија 1. Политики, Стратешки документи, програми и фондови на рурален развој и земјоделие Θ    European Rural Area,… Read More »1st CRPPR Smartrural Workshop


The Major Development Agency Thessaloniki (MDAT) invites you to the 3rd & 4th Workshops of the SmartRural Project “Smart Rural Entrepreneurship”. Τhe SmartRural Project is under the transnational Program “Balkan-Mediterranean” of the Programming Period 2014-2020 “. The the 3rd & 4th workshops conclude the series of workshops organized by MDAT, with the main goal of familiarizing and disseminating the SmartRural Business Model to the beneficiaries of the Project. You can join online the 3rd Workshop… Read More »3rd & 4th SMARTRURAL EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPS


4th online Workshop of the SmartRural Project

The Regional Development Agency of West Macedonia – ANKO SA invites you to the 4th free, live, online Workshop of the SmartRural Project “Smart Rural Entrepreneurship”. Τhe SmartRural Project is under the transnational Program “Balkan-Mediterranean” of the Programming Period 2014-2020 “. The workshop is the fourth and concludes the series of workshops organized by ANKO, with the main goal of familiarizing and disseminating the SmartRural Business Model to the beneficiaries of the Project. The event… Read More »4th online Workshop of the SmartRural Project

1st-4th SmartRural Workshops – PANAGROTIKOS

The Panagrotikos Association of Cyprus is excited to host a series of free, live, online Workshops as part of the SmartRural Project “Smart Rural Entrepreneurship”. Τhe SmartRural Project is under the transnational Program “Balkan-Mediterranean” of the Programming Period 2014-2020 “. The main goal of the workshops is to familiarize and disseminate the SmartRural Business Model to the beneficiaries of the Project and of course further information on relevant issues. A Certificate of Participation will be… Read More »1st-4th SmartRural Workshops – PANAGROTIKOS

1st and 2nd SmartRural Workshop MDAT

The Major Development Agency Thessaloniki (MDAT) invites you to the 1st and 2nd Online Workshop of the Project SmartRural «Smart Rural Entrepreneurship», which has been included in the transnational cooperation Programme (INTERREG V-B) BALKAN MEDITERRANEAN of the Programming period 2014-2020. The online events will take place via the Zoom platform on 13/01/2021 between 09: 00 to 13:30 for the 1st Workshop and 15:45 to 19:45 for the 2nd Workshop. To register in the 1st Workshop… Read More »1st and 2nd SmartRural Workshop MDAT

3rd SmartRural Workshop – ANKO

The Regional Development Agency of Western Macedonia S.A.-ANKO invites you to the 2nd Online Workshop of the Project SmartRural «Smart Rural Entrepreneurship», which has been included in the transnational cooperation Programme (INTERREG V-B) BALKAN MEDITERRANEAN of the Programming period 2014-2020. The online event will take place on Friday, December 18, 2020 between 09: 00 and 11: 45. The seminar will take place through the Ζoom platform. Workshop Subject: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Rural Areas For… Read More »3rd SmartRural Workshop – ANKO

2nd SmartRural Workshop – ANKO

The Regional Development Agency of Western Macedonia S.A.-ANKO invites you to the 2nd Online Workshop of the Project SmartRural «Smart Rural Entrepreneurship», which has been included in the transnational cooperation Programme (INTERREG V-B) BALKAN MEDITERRANEAN of the Programming period 2014-2020. The online event will take place on Friday, December 18, 2020 between 09: 00 and 11: 45. The seminar will take place through the Ζoom platform. Workshop Subject: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Rural Areas For… Read More »2nd SmartRural Workshop – ANKO